速報APP / 健康塑身 / Healthy Child Healthy World Pocket Guide

Healthy Child Healthy World Pocket Guide



檔案大小:15.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Healthy Child Healthy World Pocket Guides(圖1)-速報App

Healthy Child Healthy World's pocket guides are quick reference shopping guides showcasing product information for parents on the go.

Healthy Child Healthy World Pocket Guides(圖2)-速報App

These 11 guides, all handily available in a single app, feature healthy, eco-friendly solutions for you and your family, including Quick Tips, Label Lingo to help you understand complex ingredients' lists and conflicting product claims, Do It Yourself sections that will help you save money and time, and Resources with dozens of links to web sites whose products stand up for the good health and safety of their customers first.

Healthy Child Healthy World Pocket Guides(圖3)-速報App

There are recipes for personal care products and making your own mosquito repellent, a guide to safer sunscreens, and tons of useful info — Pocket Guides include: Safer Plastics, Eat Healthy, Safer Baby Gear, Safer Sunscreen, Safer Baby Food, Safer Cleaning, Baby Body Care, Personal Care, Safer Repellents, Safer Formula, and 5 Easy Steps, all of which will help you make your home and your family healthier, happier, and less reliant on modern chemistry.

Healthy Child Healthy World Pocket Guides(圖4)-速報App

Healthy Child Healthy World is a national non-profit inspiring a movement to protect our children from harmful chemicals. With a growing body of evidence linking everyday environmental contaminants to asthma, learning disabilities, obesity, cancer and more, Healthy Child translates the science and empowers parents and caregivers to create healthy environments where children and families can flourish. Visit www.healthychild.org for more information.

Healthy Child Healthy World Pocket Guides(圖5)-速報App
